GMM – ACTIVISM for Social Impact

DO U ACTism is a project co-funded by the European Union. The project is a co-creation of five independent Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) from five countries: Stichting MasterPeace (Netherlands), MasterPeace Morocco (Morocco), LUMEN (Croatia), SIT (Kosovo) and LDN (Lebanon).Our common mission is to mobilize talents for a sustainable future and to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) – Quality Education – and SDG 16 – Peace and Justice. The organizations provide expertise in non-formal education and youth work, including working with minorities and underprivileged youngsters. Partners are experienced in peacebuilding, youth empowerment, and online working.

Activism for Social Impact is a dynamic convergence of passionate individuals and organizations united by a shared commitment to creating a more just and equitable world. This transformative event offers a platform for inspiring dialogue, knowledge sharing, and strategic planning. Through thought-provoking keynotes, interactive workshops, and robust networking opportunities, attendees will gain invaluable insights, develop actionable plans, and forge powerful collaborations to drive positive social change.

Throughout the conference, attendees will have ample opportunities to network with speakers, panelists, fellow attendees, and potential collaborators. Interactive technology demonstrations, informative exhibits, and resources will be available for engagement.

This edition of the Great Minds Meeting will be organized within the framework of the project in which we will be happy to conclude two years of projects that aimed to empower thousands of youngsters in various countries and also an opportunity to launch our upcoming projects and partnerships.

  • Date : December 1, 2024
  • Time : 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm (Africa/Casablanca)
  • Venue : Agadir

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