Workshop Overview: Communication is considered to be such a crucial medium through which conflicts can be handled once they arise out of nowhere. As leaders, we need to bear in mind that the way we convey the message matters more than the content does. That is to say, we may have fabulous ideas but the point always lies in how we should transmit it clearly to the audience without having any […]

Workshop Overview: The Human character is wickedly mysterious to the extent that our mood can be swiftly attached with and altered based on such internal and external factors that we are surrounded with. Metaphorically, we shall think of self-esteem as sugary candies that we try to taste its flavour so that our body can be vividly activated. Thus, when we strive to become the best version of ourselves that is where […]

Workshop Overview: We cannot picture ourselves as constant and well-organized as we should be without the necessity of time. The aforementioned one enables us to always keep our focus on the required tasks or priorities that could ease our minds instead of getting into them randomly. Therefore, having the capacity to know about its tips and tricks is deemed to be the ideal way to get rid of frustration and pressure […]

Workshop Overview: Since we are dwelling in a globalized world, we need to work upon ourselves to take action in life as future leaders and make use of our time as a valuable asset in unlocking the needs of our personality to be at its ascent. For instance, learning how to communicate effectively, manage their time properly, make promising decisions, and connect with innovators and experts who are always there to […]

DO U ACTism is a project co-funded by the European Union. The project is a co-creation of five independent Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) from five countries: Stichting MasterPeace (Netherlands), MasterPeace Morocco (Morocco), LUMEN (Croatia), SIT (Kosovo) and LDN (Lebanon).Our common mission is to mobilize talents for a sustainable future and to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) – Quality Education – and SDG 16 – Peace and Justice. The organizations provide […]