On the 10th of October, We conducted the official kick-off info session of the WP4 that aimed to provide potential participants with a comprehensive understanding of the DARE4.0 Workpackage 4 Mobile App Challenge, including its vision, objectives, and practical details.Session Highlights:Introduction to DARE4.0 and Workpackage 4:Overview of the DARE4.0 project and its focus on fostering digital literacy and transnational collaboration.Explanation of Workpackage 4’s objective: creating innovative digital solutions to address societal […]

Bring non-formal education in high schools and build partnerships with formal institutions: you will receive mentoring, develop local actions, join online results-sharing meetings and contribute to the Strategic Plan on Social Innovation in High Schools.

Many young people (and adults) do not have the basic skills to use digital tools safely for themselves and others (for example, not everybody understand the privacy implications of sharing photos and videos online).

DARE 4.0 project aims to equip 1500 young people (18-30), young entrepreneurs and youth workers in Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Lebanon, Tunisia and Morocco with skills and competencies to accelerate the digital transformation of the economy and society.

A non-formal, creative and interactive 7-day residential training approach to explore and develop new community-based intercultural activities.

An exclusively online educational learning project focusing on climate resilience, designed to improve youth competences. The training is specifically financed by EU Commission.

DO U ACTism is an ambitious project funded by the European Union, aimed at fostering social entrepreneurship to address pressing societal challenges. The project brings together five independent Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) from dierent countries: STICHTING MASTERPEACE from the Netherlands, MASTERPEACE MOROCCO from Morocco, LUMEN from Croatia, SIT from Kosovo, and LDN from Lebanon.

Mentoring is one of the key elements to ensure meaningful European Solidarity Corps volunteering projects. People who work directly with volunteers benefit from understanding better, how the volunteers’ mental health can be promoted and supported.

As one of the horizontal priorities of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes, inclusion is a prevalent topic in youth work training activities and deserves heightened attention.