Stimulating Self-Esteem in the face of Adversity

Workshop Overview:
The Human character is wickedly mysterious to the extent that our mood can be swiftly attached with and altered based on such internal and external factors that we are surrounded with. Metaphorically, we shall think of self-esteem as sugary candies that we try to taste its flavour so that our body can be vividly activated. Thus, when we strive to become the best version of ourselves that is where greatness resides rather than making our personality exposed to sabotage.
Workshop Objectives:
Upon the completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Familiarize themselves with the concept of self-esteem and its significance in forging our personal and professional endeavors.
- Provide common strategies that can be used to diminish low self-esteem.
- Discover some popular theories that are related to self-esteem/ confidence.
- Reflect on their personal contexts regarding the way they are dealing with self-esteem while burnout.
Target Audience:
- Undergraduate and Graduate University students.
- Social activists and entrepreneurs.
- Freelancers.
- Employees working in public and private sectors.
Workshop Format:
- Interactive group discussions.
- Peer learning and networking opportunities.
- Personal reflection and action planning.
Expected Outcomes:
- Detailed definition of self-esteem and its importance in sustaining our personal and professional goals.
- Suggested strategies that could manage their self-esteem effectively.
- Popular theories of self-esteem and their different insights.